David Ding
Thank you for visiting my website! I maintain an active blog that I will update once in a while. I hope you find it interesting!
How I Crossed Crosswords Part 3: Constructing a Crossword (Published on Medium, still free to read!) 📌
September 30, 2022
My crossword journey reached a new realm: it's time to make a crossword puzzle.
The Bernoulli Integral
August 18, 2024
Evaluating one of the most unique integrals there is...and it's cousin.
My Message to FIBA: Put Basketball Over Olympics (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
July 21, 2024
Let Olympic basketball players compete for the sake of the Olympic Games.
Should You Lie On Your Resume? The Paradox of Fairness (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
January 24, 2024
You should never lie on your resume, and it’s not for the reasons you think.
E = mc^2 (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
January 5, 2024
Making one of the most famous equations in human history accessible to everyone.
To Put Things in Perspective (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
January 3, 2024
In this article, I want to take some time to list a few things that you might not have thought of, but will put your mind in the greater perspective of things.
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December 25, 2023
What do prime numbers have to do with one of the most famous functions in math? And pi?
Eigenvalues (And Linear Algebra) Demystified
November 29, 2023
Linear algebra is more useful and less daunting than you think. Introducing its unlikely hero: eigenvalues.
Mid-Autumn Festival Crossword Puzzle
Sep 25, 2023
A moon-themed crossword puzzle for my fellow readers in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival and one year anniversary of my very first crossword puzzle.
The Angel In Us (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
February 28, 2023
My first Magic: The Gathering Fan Fiction.
How I Crossed Crosswords Part 2 (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
August 7, 2021
My crossword journey redux--made more intimate this time.
How I Crossed Crosswords (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
June 15, 2021
On the one year anniversary of my subscription to the New York Times Crossword Puzzle, I reflect on my quirky and lexical journey of solving a national pastime.
Designated Survivor: Glasses (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
February 9, 2021
The Professor and the President.
They Did Not Do So In Vain (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
December 5, 2020
In the last post of 2020, I reflect this year based on an event that happened six years ago for me, and oh how it reflects what is happening today!
Gambler's Cranberry Sauce
November 27, 2020
It's the day after Thanksgiving. Do you dare gamble on the cranberry sauce you had for dinner last night?
Think More, Work Less
October 10, 2020
In an age of misinformation and cognitive dissonance, let's strive to do something that should be instrinsically human: think.
Simplicity Meets Sophistication (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
May 3, 2020
"The PMF of the Poisson distribution might look sophisticated, but the concept it represents is surprisingly simple." vs. "The nature of Poisson process arrivals might be simple and without any discernable patterns, but sophistications emerge."
Being Sassy to Socrates (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
April 18, 2020
Intro on how to talk back at one of the greatest philosophers of all time.
Coin Rotation Paradox: Solving for the General Case (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
April 12, 2020
A fresh take on an all-time classic.
5G: What Exactly Was My Research? (Published on Medium, still free to read!)
April 8, 2020
The journey that started it all.